The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Episode 6 "One World, One People Review"



So after six weeks of intense action and MCU drama we have now come to the finale of the second MCU Disney + series and what a finale that was. Whereas WandaVision and The Falcon and The Winter Soldier are miles apart in terms of tone and style both finales deliver a classic MCU action focused finale and The Falcon and The Winter Soldier certainly delivers on that and sets up some interesting character developments moments which will be interesting to see how they are played out moving forward in Phase 4 and beyond.

The biggest moment of the finale was the reveal of Sam Wilsons Captain America suit which looks great on screen and is a close to comic accurate as you can get with the Captain America style colouring and torso design with the combination of the Falcon wings you truly get a great looking comic accurate suit which will please fans of the character. Whilst not only having a new suit showing that Sam has taken over the mantle of Captain America officially but is personality has shifted slightly to embody that role even more and delivers a speech towards the end of the episode that even Steve Rogers would be proud of. Having Sam officially take on the mantle of Captain America leaves the character in an interesting position moving forward and could potentially lead to a continuation of the Captain America franchise just with a different lead this time around (one is rumoured to be on the cards with the writers of this series currently rumoured to be on board).

Bucky of course gets his moments to shine in the finale not only during the action sequences but also in terms of some sort of closure to his time as The Winter Solider. In the finale we get to see Bucky going back to see his friend and finally tells the truth about his sons disappearance all those years ago and with that closure he is finally able to cross out the last name in his book and attempt to leave that life behind him, obviously with his past record that could be difficult moving forward and could potentially be used as leverage on him but at this current point in the MCU timeline Bucky looks finally at peace concluding a long arc since the early days of the MCU, this also opens the door to many different paths the character can go down in the future and I for one am excited to find out where they take the character.

The finale also brings back Sharon Carter in a larger role as she teams up with Sam and Bucky to help stop the Flag Smashers but with this we also get the finales other big reveal with the revelation that Sharon is the Power Broker and with Karli looking to expose this with Batroc Sharon eventually kills both of them leaving her secret intact. Now this is an interesting development for the character and whilst the decision to make Sharon the Power Broker seems a little un out of character compared to what we have seen previously during the MCU but it does introduce some interesting character developments and could reveal how difficulty Sharon’s time was on the run (even during the blip) without Steve and Sam being there for her and how this has influence her to become the Power Broker. I have also seen some interesting fan theories suggesting that the Sharon we see in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier is in fact a Skrull which could suggest her change in character and could lead into the Marvel Studios Secret Invasion story line but we will have to see if any of those theories pay off.

It is also worth mentioning that Walker also has a heroic arc during the finale as well coming in to initially take revenge of Karli for the death of Lemar (Battlestar) but heroically attempts to save the lives of the hostages over his revenge and helps to apprehend the remaining Flag Smashers. In the closing moments of the finale Walker also gets a new suit inspired by his characters appearance in the Marvel comics and gets the mantle of US Agent as well. It will be interesting to see where the MCU decide to take Walker moving forward and how this could potentially affect our new Captain America and the MCU as a whole.

Overall the finale delivered an action focused episode which introduced us as the audience and the I universe MCU world to there new Captain America, whilst tying up some lose threads set up earlier on in the series and leaving a couple of questions unanswered to discover later on other MCU Disney + series or either in a second series if that is greenlit by Marvel and Disney.

Verdict 4 / 5 stars


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