Godzilla Vs Kong Review



Film name: Godzilla vs Kong
Director: Adam Wingard 
Release Date: 1st April 2021 (Amazon Prime UK)
Cast: Alexander Skarsgard, Millie Bobby Brown, Rebecca Hall, Brain Tyree Henry, Julian Dennison and Kaylee Hottle. 

Godzilla vs Kong is finally here! with the continuing pandemic the much anticipated film has released in some cinemas that are open and on streaming services such as Amazon Prime and Sky Store here in the UK with a rental fee of £15.99. With a lack of big budget blockbusters last year, it is finally great to see the film being released globally and whilst this film deserves the big screen treatment with it sheer scale it is still a worthy watch on the small screen streaming services. 

Now as the film's title suggests this film is a face of between Godzilla and King Kong, a film we have been waiting for since the suggestion of a shared monsterverse being set up with the release of Godzilla and the solo film for King Kong and now we finally get the coming together of these two titans which leads to an action packed city smashing film that will be pleasing for fans. Now if you love a monster smash up then this will be the film for you, at just under two hours in runtime you are getting a visual treat of a film showcasing the coming together of these titans battling it out for dominance (especially to begin with that is) and the set up for some exciting concepts moving forward revolving around the Hollow Earth which could lead for the introduction of more classic monsters and could lead into some more films exploring the Hollow Earth as we are really only given a small insight in this film, but it is certainly an exciting prospect. 

If you have come to this film for a pure action flick then you won't be disappointed, the action sequences are well shot and are visually impressive with the CGI especially on Godzilla and Kong on point through out of the film and whilst the final showdown is a CGI heavy chaotic city showdown it still delivers the spectacle that has come from these films in showing the sheer scale of destruction caused when titans collide which is shown again in this film. The CGI also deserves a small mention in terms of Kong. The filmmakers have perfectly used CGI to highlight and make Kong as real as possible in terms of his expressions and emotions and is comparable to the work done on the latest Planet of the Apes franchise in how the CGI can be used to really capture how Kong is feeling throughout the film. 

Now you can't have a Godzilla or King Kong without an array of Human side character sub plots that tend to take away from the main spectacle in previous films and to an extent this happens in this film with the characters barely getting the chance of exploration rather to be used as exposition to explain what is going on but the inclusion of Kaylee Hottle as Jia that really adds any sort of interesting connection with her character who is deaf and is able to communicate with Kong via sign language being the human connection to Kong a twist on the classic damsel in distress stereotype that we normally associate with King Kong but at the end of the day do people really come and see these films for the human characters but rather come to enjoy the spectacle of two titans battling it out for dominants. 

The other major inclusion in this film that was teased in numerous marketing promotions including the leaked toys of the character was Mecha Godzilla, a cross hybrid machine based on Godzilla but by using Human tech and essential the conscious of King Ghidorah from Godzilla: King of the Monsters. The inclusion of Mecha Godzilla makes sense from a story point of view with the Human sub plot throughout the film of a Human made titan to protect mankind, but it is the corruption of the mech that brings the temporary trues between Godzilla and Kong to take down this new threat which leads to a great action sequence showing the titans working together. Mecha Godzilla feels like a proper threat with its quick reactions and impressive weaponry feeling like something out of the Pacific Rim franchise but doesn't last long to really create a true sense of threat moving forward within the universe and is quickly dispatched by both Godzilla and Kong. 

Overall if you are here to watch two titans battle it out for dominance and a classic action blockbuster then this will be the film for you, and fans of Godzilla and Kong will not be disappointed but don't expect anything interesting or groundbreaking from the supporting cast. 

Verdict: 4 / 5 stars 


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