The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 3: "Power Broker" Review



So we are now half way through the second Disney + MCU series and what a ride it has been so far, we have been introduced to a new Captain America in the form of John Walker, explored more into the relationship between Sam and Bucky including a more in depth look at their backstories and introduced an array of super soldiers, some lost in the history books others trying to cause carnage in a post blip world. Now Episode 3 brings back to returning MCU characters last seen in Captain America: Civil War in the form of Baron Zemo and Sharon Carter.

With the successful break out of Zemo from prison involving Bucky getting the inmates to turn on each other to allow Zemo to successfully escape the trio head to Madripoor (a location taken from the comics) to find the Power Broker to learn more about this new Super Soldier Serum that the Flagsmashers appear to be using and how wide spread the serum is. Madripoor itself from what we have seen so far appears to be a criminals hideout where the criminals and gangs control everything and the neon lighting and dark streets really help to create this shady corner of the MCU which is where we find Sharon Carter hiding on the run since her involvement in Captain America: Civil War. Sharon’s involvement in the episode leads to an interesting insight in her life on the run and she helps to assist the trio on their investigations which leads to an exciting and high intensity combat sequence in the shipyards where Sharon shows off her former Shield tactical and combat skills leading to action sequences more commonly seen in the Netflix Marvel based shows.

But the star of episode 3 is of course Baron Zemo. Zemo who played a big part in Captain America: Civil War and gets a big role in episode 3 accompanying Sam and Bucky to Madripoor to find the Power Broker. What’s brilliant about Zemo is throughout the episode you are constantly debating with yourself whether of not you can trust him, does he really want to end the super soldier serum or does he have an alternative motive, that is something I am sure we will find out further along in the series but at every tern you are watching Zemo like a hawk to see if he is going to throw Sam and Bucky under the bus especially when they meet up with Zemo contact in Madripoor. Zemo also plays a big involvement in the action sequences in which he saves our heroes at multiple times but also kills the main scientist involved in creating this new serum, now is this Zemo being helpful in stopping the distribution of this new super soldier serum or could this be a part of Zemo’s own plan…well we are going to have to wait and find out.

Episode 3 certainly delivers on reintroducing Sharon and Zemo back to the MCU whilst expanding the MCU with the introduction of Mandripoor as a shady criminal hideout whilst delivering some great action and setting the stage for an explosive showdown with some many different parties in play. The Flagsmashers are also present in the episode causing carnage but are side-lined to showcase the returning characters and are often left as filler in this episode but I am sure we will see more of them in the last 3 episodes.

Verdict: 4 / 5 stars


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