WandaVision Episode 5 "On a Very Special Episode..." Review



WandaVision Episode 5 "On a Very Special Episode" returns us to Wanda's TV reality whilst also giving us breaks into the real world as S.W.O.R.D investigates the going on in the Westview anomaly. 

Episode 5 focuses on the twins Billy and Tommy and how Wanda and Vision are coping as parents, Vision is of course getting more and more suspicious as the episode goes on due to Billy and Tommy jumping in age rather quickly jumping from babies one moment to five year old the next moment, and then age again further along in the episode, this is a really nice transition and becomes a running joke in the episode but further creates suspicion with Vision about what is happening especially as Agnes appears whenever the family need anything. The episode also introduces us briefly to Sparky which becomes the family dog (which is from the Marvel comics), but Sparky's death raises an interesting question about raising characters from the dead, as Billy and Tommy ask Wanda to bring Sparky back which Wanda says she can't do, this gets an interesting reaction from Agnes and raises an interesting question if either Wanda was saying that just because she was in front of Agnes or can she not actually raise people from the dead which leaves an interesting question regarding Vision. 

The episode does give us a look at what is going on outside of Westview with S.W.O.R.D and the investigations that are going on. We get some really nice scenes with FBI agent Woo, Darcy and Monica who have a really nice discussion about Wanda power set and a nice reference back to Avengers: Endgame and we get the confirmation that when objects enter Wanda reality, she will change them to match the time period that the episode is set in for example Monica enters Westview with a bulletproof vest which when she enters the reality turns into a bullet proof outfit. 

The episode ends with Vision and Wanda having a big argument with Vision calling Wanda out about what is going on and Wanda trying to shut down any questions raised and ends with the doorbell going off which was not created by Wanda and the big reveal is that at the door is Pietro Maximoff but played by Even Peters from the Fox X-men films but it is unclear on if this is the same character from those films or a slightly different version or is it even Quicksilver at all. Those questions will have to be answered moving forward in the series. 

Verdict: 4 / 5 stars 


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