Loki Episode 4: The Nexus Event Review



Episode 4: The Nexus Event without a doubt is a game changing episode in the series and without a doubt is my favourite episode of the series so far. Not only do we get a peek behind the curtain of the TVA but also some further exploration of both Loki and Sylvie. 

Now this episode contains some big revelations but also some heart-warming moments with the episode starting off with Loki and Sylvie facing certain doom and by holding hands in their final moments creating a huge nexus event alerting the TVA to thier location. From this part not only do we get a great cameo in the form of Lady Sif but get some major reveals and surprising moments. Loki reveals to Mobius that everyone working for the TVA is a variant and have been taking from the sacred timeline by the TVA to fill its ranks, but its when Mobius starts to finally believe Loki, it is that event that leads to Mobius being killed by the TVA. Whether or not Mobius is actually dead is another thing as we will discuss later but it was still a shocking moment. 

The other big reveal came in the form of the face to face meeting of the time keepers, now all seemed to be real until Sylvie manages to behead one of the time keepers revealing that the time keepers were in fact androids, now some of us suspected that this was the case and they were not real in the first place but it does raise the question who is behead the TVA and what is the TVA's real motivation, I am pretty sure we will find out in last two episodes of the series but it does start to raise more questions than it answers and does it mean that Kang the Conqueror is coming sooner than expected... well we are going to have to wait and see. 

Episode 4: The Nexus Event not only is a great episode from start to finish but also is the first episode in the series to include a post credit scene. During the final moments of the episode Loki is killed (yes I know again) and it is the post credit scene that reveals that Loki is not dead but has been teleported to a wasteland that appears to be on Earth due to a broken and damaged Avengers Tower in the background but it does reveal and introduce four new Loki variants including classic Loki portrayed by Richard E Grant. How these Loki's move the story forward will be interesting to see but I can't wait to see these new Loki variants interact with Loki himself.  

Overall Episode 4: The Nexus Event is an exciting episode from start to finish and has big moments including main character deaths, revelations on the time keepers themselves and the introduction of four brand new Loki variants, all I can say is what an episode and bring on the last two episodes of the series. 

Verdict: 4.5 / 5 Stars 


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