Loki Episode 2: The Variant Review



Episode 2: The Variant starts off with another attack on the TVA from a different Loki variant and that sets the stage for the episode with the TVA upping their response to these attacks. The episode itself is driven by the simple fact of our Loki variant trying to prove not only to himself but to the TVA that he is the superior variant, which by the end of the episode itself doesn’t particularly seem to be the case. Whilst episode 1 spent time setting up the TVA and their involvement with the MCU, episode 2 jumps strait into an investigation of the attacks with the TVA using Loki to bring a unique perspective in trying to capture a variant of himself.

The relationship between Mobius and Loki continues to develop in episode 2 with some interesting sequences expanding on Mobius perspective of the TVA and it does appear that Loki’s own unique perspective might be starting to have an effect on what Mobius has been told regarding the TVA based on a sequence set just before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD testing if a slight disruption to the events (for example Loki informing some villagers about their impending doom) would affect the sacred timeline which it doesn’t, to the surprise of Mobius. Could this lead to Mobius making further enquires into what actually happens at the TVA we will have to wait and see.

The main surprises come during the closing moments of episode 2 with the meeting of Loki and the female variant of Loki that the TVA has been tracking. It is within these moments that we get a true understanding of this variants abilities and that she does appear to be a superior variant of Loki in many ways (I can imagine much to Loki’s annoyance) and the revelation and initiation of the plan to bomb the sacred timeline causing the sacred timeline to go into chaos with branch realities appearing almost instantly. With only a small amount of screen time with Lady Loki she sure did make an entrance but it will be interesting to see how her involvement continues moving forward with the series and what our Loki’s path will be now that he has escaped the TVA with Lady Loki, with the half way point of the series releasing this Wednesday you can be certain that the series is about to take some interesting turns.

Verdict: 4 / 5 stars


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