Loki Episode 1: Glorious Purpose Review


After taking a small break we are now back with our review on Loki. The third MCU series to be releasing on Disney + following the release of WandaVision and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, both series have done really well in terms of critically and with the general fan base which leaves us in a very exciting position moving forward with the release of Loki.

The series itself focuses on Loki, not the Loki we last saw being killed in Avengers: Infinity War, but the Loki last seen in Avengers: Endgame escaping with the Tesseract back in 2012. Episode 1: Glorious Purposes shows the fallout from that exact moment with Loki being teleported away from New York only to be captured by the TVA (Time Variance Authority) for escaping and branching from the “sacred timeline”. Whilst some members of the TVA want Loki to be charged with crimes against the sacred timeline, Mobius (portrayed here by Owen Wilson) wants to use Loki’s knowledge and skills as the god of mischief to help catch a variant that is causing the TVA a bit of trouble that by the end of episode we find out is another version of Loki.

The episode itself does a great job at establishing the world in which Loki is set whilst establishing the TVA and there role in protecting the sacred timeline, obviously there is much more to find out about the TVA, but from what we have currently seen they possess great power, a great reference is made about the office workers using Infinity Stones as paperweights to truly suggest how powerful they are as an organisation. It will be interesting to see what their involvement is moving forward and how they work together with Loki to catch this other variant of Loki, but from what we have seen so far, the TVA are a force to be reckoned with.

Obviously, the standout elements of the show so far are of course Tom Hiddleston’s performance of Loki. We have watched Loki grow as a character since his first appearance in the MCU back in Thor when it was released in 2011 and the character has come along way from attempting to take of the Earth to helping Thor take on Hela in Thor: Ragnarök but Hiddleston still appears to be having the time of his life playing the god of mischief and with this series we are getting a total of six episodes to expand more of his character and to continue this characters story. One of the most elements of the first episode was Hiddleston’s emotional range as he is shown what his future would have entailed if he stayed in that timeline, showing the death of his mother, to forming a stronger relationship with Thor to his death in Avengers: Infinity War. Hiddleston’s sheer emotional range in this scene surely stands out at one of the strongest moments in terms of a performance in the MCU.

Episode 1 also introduces us to a range of new characters for the MCU who work for the TVA but most notably the attention is mainly focused on Owen Wilsons character portraying Mobius. Now currently not much is known about the character onscreen apart from the fact that he is tracking down a variant of Loki who is causing some problems for the TVA, but it is great seeing Wilson and Hiddleston interact together and they have already shown that they have great on screen chemistry so it will be interesting to see where his character goes in the future episodes.

Overall a strong solid start to the latest MCU Disney + series which manages to successfully lay the groundwork of the TVA whilst continuing Loki’s story. Where the series will go is fairly open at the moment with many possibilities, but one thing is certain with Loki involved nothing will be straight forward.

Verdict: 4 / 5 Stars



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