WandaVision Episode 9 "The Series Finale" Review



So after 8 weeks we have come to the series finale of the first Disney + MCU based shows, which without a doubt has exceeded any expectations and has proven that Marvel Studios can effectively bring the spectacle of the big screen events onto the small screen featuring a much more intimate look at popular MCU characters.

The finale itself is action packed from beginning to end as Wanda confronts Agatha, the newly revealed White Vision taking on Vision, and the inclusion of S.W.O.R.D getting into the hex adding extra complications. The action is great throughout the finale and has stakes throughout as Agatha uses the trapped Westview residents against Wanda freeing them of Wanda's mind control bringing out there true despair at the situation. Wanda is left in a position that she can free the residents of Westview but this will cost Wanda her dream life with Vision, Billy and Tommy, these are heart-breaking stakes as Wanda has already gone through so much during her time in the MCU that this is another heartbreaking moment. Whilst this is going on Vision is taking on the new white Vision which leads to some arial action sequences and the revelation that the new Vision is programmed by Hayward to take out the old Vision, as neither is the original Vision that we lost in Avengers: Infinity War, this creates a truce and Vision is able to unlock the new Visions memories allowing him to experience what the real Vision had lived through before flying off and leaving the hex. This is exciting as it allows for Vision to come back in future MCU projects obviously in a slightly different form but her more Vision is still good news. 

The episode did create two revelations, the first being the fact that Pietro was not actually Pietro and was indeed an individual called Ralph who was under Agatha's spell, but the biggest reveal comes with Wanda tricks Agatha by placing runes around them stopping Agatha from using her magic allowing Wanda to take back some of her powers in a great visual sequence turning Wanda into her true Scarlet Witch form with a new costume design which looks fantastic and leaves Wanda in an interesting position moving forward in the MCU. 

The finale does end in heartbreak as Wanda decides to bring down the Hex freeing everyone trapped but this does mean she has to say goodbye to Billy and Tommy in a sweet scene tucking them into bed and has to say goodbye to Vision again in an upsetting moment but the hope that the white Vision is still out there prompts hope that the two can find each other again. 

The series does end with two post credit scenes, the first involving Monica talking to a Skrull who informs her that one of her mums friends (possibly Nick Fury) would like to see her (possibly in the spaceship seen at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home) and the second and most important one being Wanda using her astral form to read the Darkhold book (fans familiar with Agents of  Shield will recognize this book) and hearing the voices of her twins, could this mean that Wanda will try and get them back?... well we will have to see?

Overall this has been a fantastic series and a great way to end the first Disney + MCU series, even though a lot of fan theories did not come true, the finale still delivered a good finale and one that will have ramifications on the MCU moving forward. 

Verdict: 4 / 5 stars  


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