The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 2: The Star-Spangled Man Review


The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 2 brings together the two main stars of the show, unlike the first episode in which we get an insight in the life of Sam and Bucky post Avengers: Endgame on their separate paths (and with no screen time together), episode 2 brings them back together to investigate the ever growing threat caused by The Flag Smashers. If Episode 1 was the character set up, then episode 2 really starts to establish the way the series is heading and the threats that are emerging after the “Blip”.

For the most part the episode focuses on Sam and Bucky as they try to work together in a buddy cop style situation tracking down The Flag Smashers but meeting hurdles along the way, but Episode 2 also spends some time setting up the big reveal at the end of Episode 1 which introduced us to John Walker as the new Captain America, we get a twist of the Captain America introduction as John Walker takes part in an interview at his previous college and from that it is clear that Walker is not trying to be Steve and respects the mantle that is Captain America and at the end of the day is a well decorated American Soldier that wants to up hold the values of America by using the mantle of Captain America. As the episode goes on we start to get a real sense of his personality and attitude towards Sam and Bucky and it will be interesting to see where this goes moving forward with Walker often frustrated by Sam and Bucky’s lack of trust and acceptance in the man that has essentially replaced Steve. At the end of the day Walker is essentially a good soldier that seems to follow through with any order he receives, but what made Steve such a good candidate for the Captain America program and essentially why he was chosen in the first place was that fact that he had a good heart something that Walker might seem to be lacking as the series goes on.

The highlights of the episode surely come in the moments on interaction between Sam and Bucky, not only does the duos comedic timing run in synch with each other but there is also a hidden level of resentment as Bucky is not impressed with the fact that Sam gave away Steve’s shield allowing the government to rebrand and establish a new Captain America. The whole disagreement stems from the idea that is Steve was wrong about giving the shield to Sam, then Steve have gotten it wrong that Bucky can change and live a peaceful life. Personally, I am looking forward to seeing how this is explored moving forward throughout the rest of series.

Episode 2 also takes the time to expand on the role of The Flag Smashers as these enhanced group of individuals (how these people got these abilities is yet to be explored) and a action sequence on top of two moving lorries shows just how much of a physical threat they can be but there ultimate plan of action seems surrounded in mystery with the end goal to bring back the world last seen during the five years in between Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame.

The episode whilst delving deeper into the relationship of Sam and Bucky, expanding on the introduction of a new Captain America and setting up the Flag Smashers also introduces us to an array on new characters in the form of Battlestar, essentially the new Captain Americas right hand man and introduces us to Isaiah Bradley (a super soldier that was created after Captain America in the 1940s that had a very different experience that Steve in the sense that after he has finished his missions he was locked up in prison and experimented on and also introduces us to his grandson Eli Bradley who comic fans will know becomes Patriot (one of the members of the Young Avengers team). It will be really interesting to see if their story gets some more attention and expansion as the

series goes on but if not, it still sets up Eli Bradley and his potential involvement with the Young Avengers moving forward.

Overall Episode 2 delivers on delving deeper into Sam and Bucky’s relationship whilst setting the stage for brand new Captain America (for now at least) and begins to set the up the ever growing threat of The Flag Smashers, with this being a shorter series compared to WandaVision hopefully Episode 3 will delve deeper into the Flag Smashers and there plans and explore what impact Baron Zemo’s reintroduction will have moving forward.

Verdict: 4 / 5 stars



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