WandaVision Episode 8 "Previously On" Review



Next week we reach the finale of the first Disney+ MCU original series and what a series it has been with a mix of classic sitcom and the magic of the MCU. Before we get to the finale lets take a look back at episode 8 of WandaVision “Previously On”.

Now this episode picks up straight after the reveal that Agnus is indeed Agatha Harkness and starts off with a great sequence involving Agatha being restrained by a group of Witches in Salem and this is where we get our first look at Agatha’s sheer power level as she drains the Witches of there powers killing them in the process. It appears as the episode goes on that Agatha is trying to understand Wanda and her own power levels which sends us on a journey through Wanda’s past and her many traumas.

Honestly this episode really digs deep and gives us as the audience members an insight in Wanda’s life from the missile strike that killed her parents (previously mentioned in Avengers: Age of Ultron) to the experimentation that Wanda went through in the hands of Hydra and the mind stone, to the death of Pietro and Vision comforting her to finally the death of Vision and Wanda’s discover of what had happened to Visions body during the 5 years since Avengers: Infinity War. Each of these moments gives us a heart-breaking look into Wanda life and fleshes out the character much more than her appearances in the MCU films. It is also great to see how some of the sitcom elements that have been there throughout her life have influenced the goings on in Westview during the events of WandaVision with a different era of sitcom being shown and watched by Wanda in significant moments in her own life and has acted as her comfort zone during these traumatic events. We also get the reveal that Wanda had a connection to magic before her encounter with the infinity stone, could this be a clever way to bring in the X-Men?...well we will have to wait and see on that one.

Towards the end of the episode we also get the reveal of how Wanda created the hex over Westview with the revelation that Vision had purchased a plot of land in Westview for Vision and Wanda to grow old in, now this certainly pulls at the heart strings but it is this moment where Wanda finally breaks down and all those years of suffering finally comes out and creates the hex over Westview and its inhabitants creating the sitcom that we have seen previously in the series.

This episode is full of reveals and set up for what is going to be a great finale, but the episode also gives us some reveals about Vision and what Hayward was doing with Visions body. As it turns out Wanda didn’t steal Visions body from S.W.O.R.D headquarters but went to see his body so she could bury him, and after not being able to feel a connection with Vision she leaves distraught. Hayward in fact lies about Wanda stealing the body and the Vision we see in Westview was in fact created by Wanda herself when she created the Hex. This plays into the episodes mid credit scene as we find out that Hayward was actually trying to bring Vision back online and repair his body as we are left with the image of an all-in white Vision coming online which looks fantastic and leaves us speculating what this new Vision will be like and what are S.W.O.R.D’s motivation with this new Vision.

All in all we are left with Agatha holding Tommy and Billy hostage in front of Wanda, Vision on his way to Wanda and a new Vision outside of Westview and of course there is still Monica and Pietro still in Westview so it will be interesting to see how they are used in the final episode.

Oh and they finally refer to Wanda as the Scarlett Witch…finally!!

Verdict: 4 / 5 stars


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