WandaVision Episode 3 - Now in Colour Review


WandaVision Episode 3 "Now in Colour" continues to play up to its sitcom style but this time moving into the 70s era of television whilst moving the story along nicely with some hints suggesting what is actually happening in this reality. 

Now this episode is extremely hard to review without talking about spoilers in this episode as there are some major moments which move the story along from the first two episodes. Episode 3 picks off after the revelation that Wanda is pregnant at the end of episode two and throughout the episode we see Wanda and Vision preparing for the birth with the twist of Wanda's accelerated pregnancy leading to a lot of comedic sequences throughout the episode including Vision studying up on babies and a speed nappy sequence involving Vision trying to put on a nappy as fast as he can, whilst these moments are used for comedic purposes, these moments all highlight Wanda and Visions growing relationship as a family moving forward especially with arrival of Tommy and Billy (if you are a fan of the Marvel comics then you know that Tommy and Billy are superheroes in the own right under the names of Wiccan and Speed). It will be interesting to see how much the two children of Wanda and Vision are involved moving forward in the series. 

The biggest reveal apart from the obvious reveals that Vision is starting to getting suspicious was towards the end of the episode with Geraldine who helps Wanda give birth brings up that Wanda's twin brother Pietro (Quicksilver) was killed by Ultron (which we saw in Avengers: Age of Ultron), this freaks Wanda out and Wanda throws Geraldine out of her reality landing just outside the town in the real world which is surrounded by a SWORD facility that appears to be monitoring the town that appears engulfed with some sort of a static force field, it will be extremely interesting to find out more about this and what is happening to the town and SWORD's involvement moving forward.  

This episode certainly manages to capture the quirky nature of the classic American sitcom style that the show is styling itself on whilst adding more traditional elements of the MCU into the show. Cracks are starting to appear in Wanda's reality so it will be interesting to see how this plays out, but I am excited to find out. 

Verdict: 4 / 5 Stars 



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