Spotlight Review

"You know why I went along with everything?... Because Priests, are supposed to be the good guys."

Spotlight is based on a true story of how the Boston Globe newspaper team uncovered a massive scandal of child abuse and how the local Catholic church community tried to cover up the incidents. The film was directed by Tom McCarthy and has a very talented cast (I mean hugely talented cast) for example starring the likes of Michael Keaton, Mark Ruffalo, Rachel McAdams and Stanley Tucci.

Lets start of by saying this film is incredible, for a film that deals with such a tough subject matter as child abuse, it manages to respectfully portray the subject matter carefully whilst bringing attention to how serious this issue is in the world. The subject matter is shocking enough as it is but when you see in the film characters that have gone through so much suffering because of it, it really makes you stop and think because it truly is shocking and upsetting (its really upsetting) and that is how the film manages to engage you as an audience member, you are constantly wondering what the journalists are going to discover next and when you find out you are more shocked then you can imagine (every reveal is more shocking than the last one).

The acting in this film is incredible and you really feel connected to the characters and you really support them and get behind them during there investigation and you really hope that they manage to print this story about child abuse by the Catholic church so that justice can happen (and you get really passionate and hope they succeed). One of the most heart wrenching moments comes just after when the film ends, the filmmakers put a list up on the screen of every place that has had an incident involving the church (there is more than you think) and it is one of those moments in cinema where everyone in the audience just falls silent in disbelief (its a very sad moment indeed)

I did not really have any problems with this film, it is truly one of those films that really shocks you and that is why the film is so incredible, not many films are able to pull of such a tough subject matter successfully but this is one film that really does pull it off successfully. I would of maybe of liked to of seen the fallout of the article they published and what happened next to the characters and what the catholic church had to say but that would of made the film extremely long so I totally understand the reason for ending the film where they did.

Overall I think this is a must see film and is defiantly an Oscar worthy film and I will be very surprised if this does not pick up a Oscar. I really recommend that you see this film.

Verdict: 5 out of 5 stars


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