Deadpool Review

"WAIT! You may be wondering why the red suit. Well, that's so bad guys don't see me bleed."

When Deadpool appeared in X-Men Origins: Wolverine I was so looking forward to finally seeing the character on the screen but that all went wrong (we know what happened there!!!) from that point on I wasn't sure if we would ever see a Deadpool film or at least him appearing in another film, so when I found out that there was going to be a Deadpool film I was excited to see if they would actually do justice to the character and they so did.

This film is a very fun and enjoyable film, this film finally does justice to Deadpool as a character as he appears in the comics just the look of the character is perfect but what makes Deadpool the character we love from the comics is his personality and oh do they love to show of his personality in this film, from making jokes about characters in the X-Men universe, to referencing other films to generally breaking the fourth wall and talking directly to us as the audience, you need to make sure you listen out for the joke about the fourth wall recognition (its so good).

The humour is also very funny, nearly all of the jokes landed perfectly for me which made me enjoy them without me think what is he going on about. The supporting cast do a good job but come on all the attention has to be on Deadpool, the filmmakers do a good job at making Deadpool a character you can get behind and feel for him in certain scenes especially in his backstory (remember this is a different kind of superhero story) and then laugh at him when he is making jokes. Just a heads up this is not a film you take your kids to go and see, just the jokes alone are not suitable for kids let alone the gore but hey look its Deadpool we are talking about.

There was not much that I did not like about the film, maybe the end set piece could of been shorter in length especially in regard to Colossus's role in the end sequence (no spoilers here!!) but apart from that I did not really find anything that I did not really like about the film, the film was extremely fun and that's what it needed to be, it didn't need to take itself seriously just like the character himself and that what I liked about it.

Overall I highly recommend going to watch this film (just don't bring the kids), it is extremely fun, entertaining and highly funny and is a must for any comic book fan or fan of superhero films as a whole, defiantly worth a watch in my opinion.

Verdict: 5 out of 5 Stars


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