Dad's Army Review

"Who do you think you are kidding Mr Hitler?"

Dad's Army is back!, lets just start of by saying that I have not really watched any of the original Dad's Army TV episodes but was interested in watching this after seeing the trailer and of course its amazing cast (what a cast!!!). The film stars the likes of Toby Jones, Bill Nighly, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Gambon, just some of the famous names that appear in the film (trust me the list goes on!).

Lets start of by saying there are a lot of scenes in this film that are really funny, this is helped out due to the amazing cast, not only is the cast funny but the jokes are funny as well and had my laughing during the film, what more can you ask from a film like Dad's Army. Another successful element was the films cast it was like looking through an A-Z book of highly talented British actors, everyone gave really good performances for example Michael Gambon was extremely funny and of course Toby Jones and Catherine Zeta-Jones (who most of the recruits were falling head over heels for). This film is also a good tribute to the original TV series and fans of the original TV series will enjoy seeing the characters on screen again (even if the cast is different) and will enjoy the nostalgia feeling they will get from watching the film.

On the other hand I have to admit that this is not the best well made film, I really enjoyed the jokes and comedic sequences during the film but there were still some jokes that did not do anything for me and some sequences seemed drawn out. The reveals in the film seemed really obvious and you saw them coming a mile away but in a way that made it funny due to the other characters not understanding what was going on, so in a way I see what the filmmakers were doing but come on they could of given us a bit more suspense which would of kept the audience guessing. The films narrative is not the most complex narrative. I would of like to of seen some more complexity to the narrative which would of made it a bit more interesting for me as an audience member but that's just me.

Overall this film is ok, I would highly recommend this film for fans of the  Dad's Army TV series and fans of the talented cast that appear in this film as well, but as film fan I wanted to get more out of this film maybe if I had watched the TV series it would of helped me enjoy it more, so my advice watch the TV series then watch the film.

Verdict: 3 out of 5 stars


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