Terminator Genisys Review


  "I'll be back!"                                                                   


 Yes that's right Arnie is back in Terminator Genisys the latest entry from the Terminator franchise. Directed by Alan Taylor (Game of Thrones and Thor The Dark World) the latest entry stares the likes of Jason Clarke, Emilia Clarke, Jai Courtney and of course Arnold Schwarzenegger.                                                                                                                                                             
Let's jump straight in, the cast was brilliant especially Arnie who returns to his role as the Terminator, What's refreshing about the Terminator now referenced in this film as "Pops"is how Sarah Connor (Emilia Clarke)  has taught him to blend in, the Terminators attempt at a smile brings comic relief to a film which contains many intense action set pieces. The action sequences themselves are exciting and keep coming, when the film seems to settle down for some quiet conversations or revelations with the characters we are thrown straight into another set piece. Some set pieces feel a tiny bit forced and unnecessary (I'm looking at you Helicopter set piece) whilst others offer a adrenaline fueled experience, one in particular involving The Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco which rivals a certain set piece from The Dark Knight (you know the one!). 

Whilst the action set pieces hit the mark, the plot sometimes was confusing, the alternate time line plot was initially confusing to get your head round whilst trying to understand where the characters fit into the timeline of the Terminator franchise, but with some explaining from the characters and the urge to stay focused you start to understand how everything falls into place. Also for those of the audience who are not familiar with the previous Terminator films, there are alot of references throughout the film especially within the first act which might be hard to understand or confusing but i'm sure if you catch up with the other films or see the film with someone who is familiar which the franchise they would be able to give you a understanding of the previous entries and how all the references tie in together. 

Personally the film is a good entry in the ever continuing Terminator franchise with a good cast, great CGI and action set pieces but suffers from a slightly confusing alternate time line plot but I promise you, stay with it and all will come clear. Where does the franchise go now.... who knows but I am sure we will find out soon.

P.S stay for the post credit scene defiantly a interesting scene moving forward!

Verdict: Four out of Five 


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