Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7 Review
Star Wars: The Clone Wars is an animated TV series that was first released in 2008 and this year was brought back by Disney (after being cancelled by Disney) to finish of the animated series to bring a conclusion to much loved series. The series itself is set between Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones and Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith and explores stories and characters set during The Clone Wars, a war between The Galactic Republic and the Separatists.
This series personally holds a special place for me. I went to see the original Star Wars: The Clone Wars film way back in 2008 and watched every single Clone Wars episode as soon as it came out, so when I heard that Disney was bringing back the show to finish the story with season 7 I was over the moon. This season has been one of the best seasons to date and proves that this show has produced some of the best Star Wars content that is out there.
Normally we review films and single episodes but as there are 12 episodes in this season in this review we will review the three main story arcs that are in season 7 which are The Bad Batch arc, Ahsoka Journey arc and The Siege of Mandalore arc.
The Bad Batch Arc
The first arc of Season 7 was the Bad Batch arc. This arc introduces us to Clone Force 99 (aka The Bad Batch) an elite group of Clone soldiers who as Commander Cody describes them clones with desirable mutations, basically these are Clones who have enhanced abilities due to there being problems in the birthing stage and development of these Clones on Kamino. But this makes them extremely interesting an unique, for example Cross Hairs being an exceptional Sniper or Tech being the genius out the group able to crack and analyse any situation in seconds and having these characters interact with the regular Clones is exciting and thrilling to watch.
The arc itself follows the Bad Batch assisting the Republic forces to liberate a planet that they have been no gains by either side essentially a grid locked battle, but on there mission they discover an old alley thought to be dead in the form of Arc Trooper Echo who has been kidnapped by the Separatist forces and is feeding them with Republic intel. Whilst this episode was previously released in animated pre vis style storyboard, we already knew what essentially would happen but it is amazing to see this fully fleshed out in some beautiful animation. These four episodes were a great way to start of the final season of the Clone Wars, I just wish we saw more of them or at least the option for more stories to be told in the future with them.
Verdict: 5 / 5 Stars
Ahsoka Arc
The next story arc focuses on Ahsoka and her journey after leaving the Jedi order in the under levels of Courscant. This arc follows Ahsoka as she meets the Martez sisters, one of them running a repair shops and the other leading a life of crime. Ahsoka and the two sisters are then thrown together in a journey taking a job smuggling spice for the Pykes, but as always nothing is ever that straight forward.
Overall this arc is a step back from the fast paced action Bad Batch arc, and is overall much more slower and character driven. The first two episodes seem to drag a little but it is still nice to get to spend some time with Ahsoka as she struggles with her identity after leaving the Jedi Order. The series does pick up in the last two episodes with the three characters trying to escape the Pykes, and allows for some great chase sequences and set up for the final arc of The Clone Wars Series with Bo Katana making an appearance and a quick appearance from a certain form Sith Lord Darth Maul showing just how big his crime syndicate is getting.
Overall This is was an average arc but that is not to say that it doesn't have great moments, but those moments are left to the final two episodes of the arc, but it is worth a watch just for more Ahsoka.
Verdict: 3 / 5 Stars
The Siege of Mandalore Arc
The Siege of Mandalore follows Bo Katana recruiting Ahsoka and Republic assistance to help to liberate Mandalore from Darth Maul and his Mandalorian Super Commandos who have taken over the planet (which was last seen in season 5), which leads to a Republic invasion of Mandalore lead by Ahsoka and a newly promoted Commander Rex.
The Siege of Mandalore is without a doubt one of the best arc in The Clone Wars entire TV show and is without a doubt the best new bit of Star Wars content released under the Disney banner. Not only do we get more Ahsoka and now Commander Rex (for the time being), we also get the introductuion of Ahsoka Clone Battalion, the invasion of Mandalore featuring an exciting Ariel attack sequence, the highly anticipated duel between Darth Maul and Ahsoka featuring real life motion capture which leads to the capture of Darth Maul which leads us on to the big next event.
The actual siege only really takes up the first two epsiodes and a slight opening minuites of the 11th episode which leads into the tragic events of order 66. Having Rex (for a small amount of time) and the clones turn on Ahsoka is heart breaking to watch and makes for some great action set pieces and when Ahsoka manages to save Rex and remove his inhibitor chip having those two team up against the clones and Rex's brothers was truly spectacular to watch.
Also that ending sequence was absolutely amazing, I wont spoil it on here for you but it is a must see moment that will excite any Star Wars fan.
Verdict: 5 / 5 Stars
Overall Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7 is without a doubt some of the best Star Wars content we have recently got and is definitely one of the strongest seasons even considering that there are only 12 episodes in this entire season. There are a couple of weaker episodes in the Ahsoka arc, but the Siege of Mandalore arc truly makes up for those episodes
The Clone Wars season 7 and the rest of the Clone Wars TV series is now streaming on Disney + and I highly recommend you check out the entire series, it is without a doubt worth a watch.
Overall Verdict: 5 / 5 Stars
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