Transformers: The Last Knight Review

"One hundred billion trillion planets in the cosmos. You want to know, don't you, why they keep coming here?"

Transformers: The Last Knight is the latest and fifth instalment into the billion dollar (but critically criticized) Transformers franchise. The film was directed by returning director of the whole franchise Michael Bay. The film sees new and old faces in terms of new Autobots and Decipticons, but also features fan favourite characters from previous instalments of the franchise (won't spoil that for you!). The film stars the likes of Mark Wahlberg, Anthony Hopkins, Josh Duhamel, Laura Haddock and Santiago Cabrera, and follows the hunted Transformers as they battle to defend our world from a new and world ending threat.

The Transformers franchise is one of two halves, in terms of its box office returns and its stance with critics. The franchise is a billion dollar franchise (I mean multi-billion dollar!!) but also has been highly criticized by many critics. Whilst I have enjoyed previous instalments of the franchise, I can personally say that I was highly disappointed with this film. Whilst there are many negatives to this film (well in my opinion anyway!) there are also some good aspects. Personally I really enjoyed the mythology surrounding this film, bringing in the idea of the Transformers being around during the age of King Arthur, Merlin and the knights of the round table, was certainly a fresh idea, and whilst it makes the Transformers history on Earth even more jumbled up, it certainly was a new and interesting concept to introduce in this film and the medieval battle teased in the trailers is certainly a visual feast. I also liked Jim Carters (yes from Downton Abbey!) butler Transformer, which brought a lot of humour to the film (not always hitting the mark though) but honestly is something fresh compared to our usual roster of Autobots and Decipticons to look forward too. I also have to give a mention to the action sequences in the film (that's why we see them isn't it?) some sequences failed to deliver, and seemed to be over before they really ever begun, but the medieval battle sequence and the final act set piece is definitely a stand out moment in the film.

Whilst there are certainly some good elements in the film, unfortunately the negative aspects outweigh the positive by miles. One thing that I really did not like was the fact that the aspect ratio of the film kept changing, if there was an artistic or stylistic reasoning to this that enhanced the overall style of the film, I would totally understand, but in the film the aspect ratio kept changing near enough in most scenes for no reason at all, and really through me out of the film (it really did!). Who ever thought that was a good idea (probably looking at you Michael Bay!) it really isn't. The films editing and pace was also all over the place with sequences jumping around, it seemed as if, whilst during the shoot of the film, the filmmakers forgot to get coverage of the scene, so in the edit the editors just cut together any old shot, which honestly made the sequences in the film very jumpy and unnatural. I also thought the dialogue was bland and really did nothing for the characters, the jokes were cheesy and not funny (well there is an occasional funny one liner here and there!) and it seemed to make a mockery out of these characters that many people have enjoyed watching over the years. I would also like to mention, if you are expecting a developed character arc surrounding Optimus Prime's conversion to the dark side (well it is, isn't it!) don't hold your breath.

Overall Transformers: The Last Knight lacks any real sense of character, style of even aspect ratio for a start, but as we are used to with the franchise it certainly delivers some action sequences that are true visual feasts for the fans of the franchise. Personally I think fans of the franchise will enjoy most of this film but don't go into the cinema expecting a master class. If the franchise is set to continue which it certainly seems to be, it really needs a new fresh director at the helm and some seriously new and fresh concepts.

Verdict: 2 out of 5 stars


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