X-Men: Apocalypse Review

"Everything they've built will fall! And from the ashes of their world, we'll build a better one!"

X-Men: Apocalypse is the latest film to be released from the X-Men franchise. The film was directed by Brian Singer and follows on from X-Men: Days of Future Past, with much of the cast of X-Men: Days of Future Past appearing in the film, for example James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult and introduces Apocalypse portrayed by Oscar Isaac.

Lets start of with what I enjoyed about the film, there were some really strong performances in this film especially from Michael Fassbender who plays Magneto, out of all the three X-Men films that Michael Fassbender has been in, I honestly think that this is one of his strongest performances as Magneto, not only portraying a softer side to the character earlier on in the film (one of the most emotional scenes in the film) but also showing a troubled and vulnerable Magneto during the rest of the film. I also really liked seeing younger versions of  the X-Men that we have grown up watching in previous films such as a younger Cyclops, Jean Grey and Storm (Storm's rocking the Mohawk now!) seeing how these characters deal with there powers is really fun to watch but it is done in a way to show the conflict these characters face deciding whether to fully allow themselves to express there powers. Quicksilver also makes a speedy return (see what I did there!) and develops on his characters appearance in X-Men: Days of Future Past and honestly is one of the best characters in the film creating a lot of the comic relief that I think is needed when the film has such a darker more gloomy tone to the film, then previous films in the franchise due to the character that is Apocalypse. One sequence which stands out involves Quicksilver speeding around the X-Mansion (I won't spoil the reason why!!) but shows of Quicksilvers speed effects and the comedy that can be created around the characters powers as well.

In a couple of places the film for me stated to drag a little, this was mainly in some of the dialogue sequences during the film, and also in the final act set piece, im all up for a good lengthy final act sequence especially with the amount of characters that make appearances in this film, but for me it very slightly dragged a little but then again the film is dealing with the mutant Apocalypse who has gained many mutant powers over the many years, so its going to take a while to try and take him down (trust me its a spectacle but takes some time). I also thought that some of the CGI effects in some places weren't as good as they could of been and didn't look as polished as some of the other effects in the film but that's just my opinion (I'm being picky).

Overall I thought the film was good, there was some really good set pieces and character developments especially Magneto, but for me the film did start to drag a little. Make sure you keep an eye out for a certain character cameo that we have all come to love over the years, you can't exactly miss the cameo but it really stands out in the film and links both of the X-Men franchise together in a really cool way.

Verdict: 4 out of 5 stars


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