The Mandalorian: Chapter One: The Mandalorian Review

With the current state of cinemas being closed and new film releases being pushed back, we at Dreamteam Reviews will be moving to digital streaming services to review film and occasional tv series and revisit previous released films that we have not yet been able to cover, to start off with we will be reviewing The Mandalorian episode by episode, due to living in the UK we have only just got Disney + (24.03.20) so this is the first opportunity to watch the show in all its glory.

The first chapter of the series is called "The Mandalorian" and really sets the bar extremely high for the rest of the series. One of the key things to take away from this first chapter is just how cinematic this series is going to be, and honestly stands up there with the movies, and in some areas surpassing them. The rumoured budget for this series is clearly visible in terms of the sheer visual scale of the series and time and effort that has gone in to grounding this series in a world that feels lived in, which is highly detailed, full of references and overall stunning in terms of its practical and visual effects.

We are introduced to a wide range of characters in this chapter, but the standout characters have to of course be The Mandalorian himself, who is shrouded in mystery and is that perfect gunslinger bounty hunter that we have all wanted to see, and personally seems like a perfect opportunity to flesh out a Boba Fett style character as the series goes on. I really look forward to seeing his journey and where it leads over the course of the series, especially certain questions that are being set up in terms of the characters backstory which seem interesting to say the least. The other stand out character in this chapter is Kuiil and IG-11 who both have standout scenes with IG-11 blasting his way through many threats without any hassle.

This chapter flies by so quickly and I personally got stuck in so much I just wanted to know more and continue watching the rest of whole series straight away, luckily chapter two has been released already but having to wait week by week is certainly going to be a challenge.

This series honestly has the potential to be one of the best parts of the modern Star Wars era and will definitely be competing with the sequel trilogy for the most attention. I can honestly say it deserves all the attention and love that it is getting. If you are questioning whether to start watching the show, then I certainly recommend that you do straight away.


5 out of 5 stars


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