Avengers: Endgame Review


"You could not live with your own failure, and where did that bring you?...back to me!!"

The time has finally come for Avengers: Endgame, after 21 films in the MCU Avengers: Endgame is finally here and with it brings to an end The Infinity Saga and the last 21 (well now technically 22 films) in the MCU, whilst also acting as a direct sequel to last year's smash hit Avengers: Infinity War.

Avengers: Endgame was directed by Anthony and Joe Russo (there fourth and final if rumours are to be believed directorial appearance in the MCU), and stars the likes of Robert Downey JR, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Don Cheadle, Paul Rudd, Brie Larson, Karen Gillian and Josh Brolin. The film follows the dramatic and tragic events caused by last year's Avengers: Infinity War, and picks up with our heroes desperate to find a way to reverse the effects of the snap caused by the mad titan Thanos. Will they succeed? Well that is spoiler territory and we will definitely be staying away from spoilers in this review so don't worry.

First of all I would just like to mention that this without a doubt is going to be one of the hardest reviews that I have ever written in terms of not spoiling anything, there is honestly so much that happens within this film, whether that be plot points or cameos that I would absolutely love to talk about but that would not be fair on the rest of you guy who have not had a chance to watch this film, so I whilst this review will be vague at times but I will summaries my thoughts as much as possible without giving anything out because you really don't want this film ruined for you at all.

Avengers: Endgame is coming of the back of a lot and I mean a lot of hype not just because of how amazing Avengers: Infinity War was but also the years and years of hype that has been building up from fans since the MCUs conception way back with Iron Man back in 2008. Well the big question here is does Avengers: Endgame live up to its hype?.... well all I can say is YES YES YES! Avengers: Endgame not only captures the hype but exceeds every expectation that I ever had for the film. Before seeing the film, I had a very basic and rough idea of what I wanted to see in this film, but I can honestly say that this film exceeded every single expectation I had for the film in every single way. Not only where there surprises and twists and turns that even surprised me at times during the film, but the film is also packed with some of the best performances seen in the entire MCU and some of the most emotional sequences that I have every experienced from the MCU. This is not only because of a well executed script and an excellent directing duo, but also due to the amazing cast that have grown and developed these characters that we as audience members have fallen in love with over the years. All the cast gave MCU career defining performances but special credit has to be given to Robert Downey JR, Chris Hemsworth, and Scarlett Johansson who give some of the best and emotionally developed performances in the entire film.

Credit also has to be given to the way the narrative flows in this film, sure it is a little slow to begin with, but there are so many different narrative threads and characters going about their missions that it takes a very talented team to be able to pull this off and effortlessly as it comes across on screen, honestly this film should  not work as well as it does, Avengers: Infinity War proved that the Russo Brothers could handle all these characters and multiple stories but it seems as if the Russo Brothers have literally stepped it up to another level and delivered not just a standout comic book film but one of the best MCU films and even comic book films that we have seen on the big screen. Avengers: Endgame honestly feels as if it is a love letter to the MCU, paying respect to what has come before whilst building and creating new possibilities for the MCU moving forward in the future (and what a future it is going to be!). Also Avengers: Endgame has one of best final act set pieces that we have ever seen in a comic book film, it is a glorious visual feast that truly deserves to be experienced on the big screen.

If I had to be extremely picky (and I mean I am just trying to keep a balanced review) the beginning of the film can be a bit slow and might drag at times in the first act, but I honestly respect the directors decision to do this as it allows us as the audience members to really understand the sheer pain and suffering these characters are going through, and really helps to establish this new bleak world that the remaining Avengers are finding themselves in after the universe shattering events that took place at the end of Avengers: Infinity War.

Overall Avengers: Endgame is without a doubt one of the strongest films in the MCU and one of the strongest comic book films (I really believe that), if you watch Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers Endgame you truly have an all time great entry into the comic book film history and a serious treat for fans of all ages. This film will move you one moment from sheer excitement to an emotional wreck but what a journey it was. The one thing I would say is go see Avengers: Endgame as soon as possible and stay away from social media comments you really don't want this film ruined for you!

Verdict: 5 out of 5 stars


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