Deadpool 2 Review


"Doing the right thing is messy. You want to fight for what's right, sometimes you have to fight dirty!"

Deadpool 2 is the sequel to the Deadpool that was released back in 2016. The sequel was directed by David Leitch and stars the likes of Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin, Zazie Beetz, T.J Miller, Julian Dennison, Brianna Hilderbrand and Stefen Kapicic. The film follows foul mouthed mutant Wade Wilson (the one and only Deadpool!) who brings together a team of mutants to protect a young boy from the grasp of a time travelling mutant called Cable.

When Deadpool came out in 2016, who out of any of us would of thought that the film would have been the success that it came to be. After the success of the first film a sequel was guaranteed, after the first film brought a fresh and exciting take on the superhero genre, bringing a character straight from the comic books that breaks the fourth wall, acknowledges its own fictionality, makes a ton of pop cultural references, is not afraid to be extremely graphic at times and is extremely funny. The first film brought a fresh approach to the genre, but can Deadpool 2 match its predecessor?... well in most aspects it certainly does.

As expected Ryan Reynolds continues to be absolutely brilliant as the merc with a mouth and is clearly having the time of his life bringing the character of Deadpool to the big screen (clearly a role he was made to play!). Deadpool 2 brings back a host of characters from the original including Morena Baccrins and T.J Miller, but the film also introduces a whole host of new characters including Zazie Beetz as Domino and Josh Brolin (who takes a break from playing the mad titan Thanos) as Cable. Both new characters are truly great and really had to the overall narrative of the film and add some solid characters into the franchise, and who can forget Peter (the star of those Deadpool 2 trailers) who is just a great and funny inclusion in the film. David Leitch as director brings some incredible action sequences to the film, which without a doubt top some of the action sequences in the original film (much more polished, fast paced and of course in true Deadpool style graphic as well!). Deadpool can't be Deadpool without his sense of humour, and the film certainly is not afraid to use Deadpool's wise cracking ways, with Deadpool 2 definitely upping the comedic value from the first film, and certainly has more references and digs to other film franchises then you could possibly imagine, which just adds to the overall style and comedic value of the film.

Whilst Deadpool 2 certainly in many ways is a step up from the original film and in many aspects is a better film, it certainly doesn't hide the fact that there are some elements that fall slightly under expectations. Whilst Deadpool 2 is an extremely funny film (it really is!), as with any comedy, some of the jokes fall flat, that really depends on your sense of humour as an audience member, but for the most part a lot of the jokes land and you are left laughing in your seats. Also on occasion some of the CGI could have been a little off in places, and whilst for the majority of the film, the CGI is great and really enhances the film, but at times it is noticeable that the image on screen is completely computer generated, which detracts from the overall sequence. My main problem with the sequel is that after watching the first Deadpool, I came out of the cinema with such a buzz of excitement and enthusiasm towards the character and the film, and whilst I am still extremely enthusiastic about the character and enjoy the film, but I didn't come out of the film with the same sense of buzz that I did when I saw the first film. The sequel definitely plays more generic then the first film, but I put that down to the first film being fresh and an exciting experience, that makes it hard for the sequel to match the original in terms of being completely fresh.

Overall I certainly enjoyed the film, and would highly recommend the film to anyone who was a fan or the original film and fans of the character as well. Whilst it might not be as unique as the first film, it is certainly a better made film and will leave you laughing in your seats throughout the entire film.

Make sure you stay for those mid credit sequences, they are truly amazing!

Verdict: 4 out of 5 stars


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