Peter Rabbit Review

"Once upon a time in a beautiful wood there lived a rabbit named Peter with a blue jacket and no pants."

Peter Rabbit is a live action animated film directed by Will Gluck. The film stars the likes of James Corden, Domhnall Gleeson, Colin Moody, Margot Robbie, Elizabeth Debicki, Daisy Ridley, Rose Byrne and Sam Neil. The film is an adaption of Beatrix Potter's classic tales of a rebellious rabbit caller Peter, and his adventures trying to steal vegetables (no matter the cost!) from neighboring farmers vegetable garden, who certainly has a thing against wildlife and of course rabbits who are constantly stealing vegetables from his garden.

Peter Rabbit is certainly a feel good family film. One of the strongest elements of the film is the films ability to use comedic timing effectively and that is partially down to how the film is written. To the films advantage the script is quick, witty and contains a lot of one-liners and jokes, that will have not just the kids laughing but will have adults laughing as well (there are truly some funny one-liners in this film!). Whilst some one-liners occasionally miss the mark and fall flat, the majority of the one-liners hit the mark and that is down to have great performances throughout the film, with James Corden and Domhall Gleeson stealing the limelight. Their interactions together are truly great and bring a lot of fun to the film. Credit is also due to the films animation, which is truly up there with the likes of the animation in both Paddington films (I really mean that!), which allows for some truly lifelike and highly detailed CGI for the rabbits and the other animals involved within the story.  I also have to mention that during the film there are some beautiful moments in which the film captures the style of the classic Beatrix Potter tales and imagery, and reflects it during certain animated sequences (one that springs to mind involves the back story of a young Peter Rabbit). These moments are few and far between but when they do happen it really makes the film and is a nice call back to the classic Beatrix Potter tales.

Whilst Peter Rabbit is certain a fun and entertaining film, it certainly has its far share of problems (whether that be from the film itself or just personal taste). Whilst the film is entertaining and funny, with quick witted on-liners and colourful animation, it doesn't hide the fact that the plot is extremely simple and predictable. This won't be a problem of course for kids as the colourful visuals will keep them entertained, but just know that you will reach a point in the film, where you will know roughly what is going to happen in the rest of the film (but this is targeted to kids after all!). I also personally didn't enjoy the addition of random pop songs throughout the film, sure younger audiences will probably love it, but for me personally in those moments it just really throws you out of the film, which makes you notice the music more than actually caring what is happening on screen within the world of the film. There are of course moments when this works and adds an entertaining value and layer to the film, but for me personally the use of pop songs just doesn't add any value to the film, rather than just being used to seem cool.

Overall Peter Rabbit is certainly a fun and entertaining film, and is a family film that will be a sure hit with younger audiences, but overall suffers from a predictable plot, occasional flat one-liners, and the decision to try and make the film seem more cool if it includes random pop songs that for me doesn't always work.

Verdict: 3 and 1/2 stars


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