Spider-Man: Homecoming Review

"Can't you just be a friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man?"

Spider-Man: Homecoming is the latest entry into the ever expanding MCU and is the latest reboot surrounding the character of Spider-Man, but this is the first solo adventure that takes place in the MCU. Even though Spider-Man had a brief cameo in Captain America: Civil War, this is Spider-Mans first feature length solo adventure to be contained with the universe of the MCU. Spider-Man: Homecoming was directed by Jon Watts and stars the likes of Tom Holland, Michael Keaton, Robert Downey JR, Marisa Tomei, Jon Favreau and Zendaya. The film focuses on a young Peter Parker several months after the events that took place in Captain America: Civil War as he tries to balance his life as high school students whilst fighting crime as Spider-Man.

When Spider-Man was announced that he would cameo in Captain America: Civil War, fans were extremely excited and hopeful about the possible potential that Spider-Man could bring to the rapidly evolving MCU. Spider-Mans cameo not only impressed critics but also impressed fans of the character and the films in the MCU, which left fans wanting to see more from the character. Does Spider-Man: Homecoming deliver?.... I am happy to say it really does! and it is defiantly up there with some of the best Spider-Man films if not one of the best, and in my personal opinion the best incarnation of the character we have seen (he really is!). Tom Holland brings a quirky geeky charm to the character and also has some great comedic timing when suited up as Spider-Man. There are some really funny comedic sequences in this film (especially when Peter is discovering what the new hi-tech Spider-Man suit can do!). Credit is also due to the villain of the film Adrian Toomes aka The Vulture portrayed by the one and only Michael Keaton. The MCU has been often criticised about the under developed villains, but Keaton really does a great job as The Vulture, and there is a point in the film were the villain goes from your average bad guy, to a stand out villain in the MCU (won't spoil that moment for you it's truly great and unexpected!!). Whilst the film has some great visual action set pieces (that were teased in the many trailers!) what is most successful about the film is the fresh approach to the film and the down to earth and realistic tone the film has. The high school elements work really well which is mainly due to a standout relationship between Peter and Ned portrayed by Jacob Batalon (who nearly steals the film!) who brings some great comedic sequences, but the film feels fresh compared to the rest of the MCU and really gives you a grounded viewpoint through the eyes of the ordinary citizens that live within the MCU.

Whilst I really enjoyed this film, and I definitely think that it is up there with some of the best Spider-Man films that we have seen, I do have a couple of small nitpicks about the film. Personally at times I felt as if Ned overshadowed Peter in some of the high school scenes and certainly stealing them away from the main character, whilst the character was entertaining (and certainly fun) he definitely out shown Peter in certain scenes during the first act of the film. Whilst that is not necessarily a major issue with the film, it's more a small nitpick. I also thought that the film really needed to show a little bit more of Peter standing by himself, the film spends a lot of time with characters helping Peter and guiding him through his development as Spider-Man, but when it comes to the moment when Peter stands up for himself, it seems to be rushed over. Even though it shows clear character development I personally just felt that as the audience we just needed to see a little bit more of Peter doing what Peter does best, as the film seemed to diminish in places how talented Peter is and how skilled Spider-Man is. We will definitely see this being developed over the course of future instalments in the franchise but it would of been nice to see Peter work things out for himself without having someone being there to assist him or as it is in the film having the training wheels protocols on (maybe that is just me!).

Overall if you are a fan of Spider-Man and the MCU you are certainly going to absolutely love this film, this is without a doubt one of the best Spider-Man films to date and is certainly the best in carnation of the character we have seen. Maybe my criticisms are down to the fact that we are so used to seeing a more advanced version of Spider-Man that I am not used to a developing Spider-Man, but I can definitely see what they want to do with the character which is an exciting prospect.

Verdict: 4 out of 5 stars


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