Bridget Jones's Baby Review

"Sometimes you just love a person just because they feel like home"

Bridget Jones is back on our screens in the third installment in the Bridget Jones franchise Bridget Jones's Baby. The film was directed by Sharon Maquire and stars most of the original cast such as Renee Zellweger, Colin Firth, Gemma Jones, Jim Broadbent, Sally Phillips and Shirley Henderson and introduces new characters such as Jack portrayed by Patrick Dempsey. The films plot focuses on Bridget Jones but this time instead of being confused over what guy she loves she is confused over who is the father of her baby... is it Mark Darcy or is it Jack's? ....... well I won't spoil it for you. 

Let's just start of by saying that this film is really enjoyable and is defiantly one of the stand out Bridget Jones films in the Bridget Jones franchise. This film like all the other films in the franchise is extremely funny (and I mean very funny!!) normally when you watch films with a lot of comedic moments some of them fall flat, but not this film nearly all of the jokes land and at some points in the film it feels like jokes are flying back and forth every couple of minutes (it really does!) and really creates a feel good feeling which you don't get with a lot of films, this is mainly due to the amazing performances by the cast. Renee Zellweger literally falls back into Bridget's shoes and she fits back into the role perfectly. Colin Firth also gives a great performance as Mark Darcy and really goes through any emotional journey and huge character development arc during the film also Patrick Dempsey's character Jack, also stands out in a very talented strong cast and becomes Marks rival in a way (the character that replaces Hugh Grants character in the film) which defiantly brings some comedic moments and some really heart warming moments towards the end of the film.

There were only a couple of things that I did not enjoy about the film, one of those was the fact that for me the second act of the film seemed to drag a little, don't get me wrong there were some standout moments during the second act of the film (including a very funny antenatal class with Bridget, Mark and Jack!) but for me some of the scenes just seemed to be filler scenes before we get to the big reveal at the end of the film. The first and third acts of the film were really good and the comedic timings were perfect but for me the second act just seemed to drag a little. Also a couple of the scenes felt a little forced and unnecessary for example scenes involving the activists it was good to show Marks profession and how good he is at his job but it seemed to be a recurring part of the film that seemed a little unnecessary and seemed to take away from the main focus of the film which is of course Bridget and her Baby.

Overall I really enjoyed the film and thought it was one of the standout Bridget Jones films in the franchise. If you are a huge fan of the other Bridget Jones films then you will absolutely love the third installment into the Bridget Jones franchise and I would defiantly recommend going to see the film in cinemas.

Verdict: 4 out of 5 stars


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