Money Monster Review

"Don't talk to me about delicate situations!"

Money Monster was directed by Jodie Foster and has a truly amazing cast that includes George Clooney, Julia Roberts and Jack O' Connell. The films plot centres around a hostage situation that takes place on air whilst recording the American financial television program "Money Monster" hosted by the one and only George Clooney.

I just wanted to start of by saying that I really (and I mean really!!) loved this film, lets start of with the cast of this film. The three main characters that the film centres around are Lee Gates (George Clooney) the host of the show, Patty Fenn (Julia Roberts) the director of the show and Kyle Budwell (Jack O' Connell) who takes Lee Gates hostage. All the actors performances in the film are fantastic but I am really impressed with Jack O' Connell on screen he really stood his ground when on screen with George Clooney and he was not intimidated at all giving off one of the films many strong performances. I also loved how intense this film was, as the film is about a hostage situation you really need to get the right level of intensity that keeps audiences members glued to there seat, listening closely to every little comment the characters make and I think Jodie Foster really captured this, I was literally on the edge of my seat throughout the whole film with my hand over my mouth (yeah I know that intense!). I really loved the fact that the majority of this film was really set in one main location, sure there are cutaways to outside locations to show the reactions of the general public to the incident but the majority of the film is set inside the studio, personally I really think this helped the film because it kept the intensity in one place allowing it to grow and develop throughout the whole film and what I found interesting was the behind the scenes look of how these television shows are made, which for me added an extra level of enjoyment to the film (probably because I am a filmmaker myself). For a film about a hostage situation there were some comedic elements which were in the film, this was a bit of a surprise for me, but it allowed the film to break up the intensity of the tone of the film when needed and for me it really worked.

As you can tell I really enjoyed this film, so there is not really anything major that I really disliked about this film, the only thing that I would say that some people might pick up on (and I mean seriously im being picky now!!) is that on occasion some of the reveals and plot twists were slightly a little predictable  especially in one of the big reveals in the third act of the film, but to be honest there are enough reveals and plot twists that are not predictable in the film that really keep you on the edge of your seat (I really was!) that when it comes to a plot twist that is predictable it really does not bother you as much (well I know that was the case for me).

Overall I would highly recommend this film, if you love the work of Clooney and Roberts you are going to love this film but also if you are a fan of intense thrillers you will also love and appreciate this film as it is one intense film.

Verdict: 5 out of 5 stars


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